tomjtx;137804 Wrote: 
> I did not compare the SB digital  to SB analogue. Sorry if I was not
> clear. I was comparing my cd transport digital out to the SB digital
> out , both feeding my dac.
> I heard no difference.
> I have a Lavry10  and used the same Ayre as JA did as the CD
> transport.
> I never said the SB analouge out was equal. I have no opinion on "that
> as I haven't 
> listened to it.............I assume it is not
> BTW I have latest Jeff Rowland and latest Watt puppys . I think there
> is enough resolution there
> But then again, I am just a musician, what do I know;-)

Unlike other members of this forum & their favorite reviewers, I have
the greatest respect for Mr.Rowland & Mr.Wilson's work, but once again
the Ayre you and JA have is not a high end transport.

Here's a short list of high transports that you or JA could use to
evaluate the SB3's performance as a transport:

Zanden 2000
Metronome Kalista; T2-i Signature; and T2-A 
Esoteric P-0, P-01, P-03
47Labs PiTracer
Weiss Jason
Accustic Arts Drive 1
Ensemble Dirondo
Wadia 270se
Aberdeen NorthStar

I use a modified Theta Jade, and I can hear a large difference,
as did the NY Rave group when they heard the Aberdeen NorthStar.

Please explain to me how the the Lavry or any other "reclocking DAC"
can repair the damaging effects of jitter after the fact?

Also, please explain the effects of bandwidth, common mode noise
reduction, risetime, EMI, inductance, capacitance, pulse aberration,and
shielding on a digital transport's interface.


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