Gee, this the same reason why people buy expensive high end transports,
DACs, etc... or get mods/upgrades. 

Note to all: Please read highdudgeon posts and you'll see he loves to
belittle these people's passion for their hobby. 

Now, he cries baiting/trolling when someone asks him a question about
spend money on audio gear, he's never heard, never seen under the hood,
and has no proof will outperform the lower cost SB3/Lavry DAC combo he
already owns.

REG is right, highdudgeon must have money just buring a hole in his

highdudgeon;138212 Wrote: 
> Easy.  Because I want one and I can afford one.  So what.  More fun for
> me.  It looks great, everything is under one hood, etc.  Why not?  
> As for Robert Greene (great forum; nice to be a part of it), he is
> basically right -- the main pro audio DACs are quite close to being
> perfect.  And, yeah, I'm way into wireless.  That's all I use or care
> to use.  Personal taste.  I see no reason to worry much about
> electronics these days.  I see a lot of reasons to worry about speakers
> and rooms.
> Note to all:  kindly refrain from insulting, sarcastic, or otherwise
> belligerent addresses, if you will.  We have been through this before
> and the vast majority of users are more interested in maintaining an
> interesting thread than in reading demeaning, baiting, or trolling
> posts.  If you don't like someone, keep it to yourself; if you have
> nothing good to say, as my father reminds me, then say nothing at all.

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