MikeGilpin wrote:
Notwithstanding all the great reasons to rip to FLAC, I enjoy using my
iPod so much, I have not yet found enough of a problem with 320k MP3 to
justify re-ripping everything, and then double-ripping thereafter. So
handy to be able to use the same rips for both iPod and SlimServer, do
the playlist maintenance only once in iTunes, etc.

There is no reasong to double rip, there are tons of flac2mp3 tools out there. You can rip once to FLAC and convert either on the fly, or keep both flavors.

The beauty of FLAC is that you can generate any format at any time in the future without touching your physical CDs.

Now if they would only sell a 120G iPod. Going from my current 60 up to
the latest 80 seems hardly worth the expense.

They will soon. Hard disks follow their own equivalent to Moores law, and soon the iPod nano will be holding 60 GB.


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