Whatwhatwhatwhatwhat? I didn't know about AllMusic. Thank you very much for that one, Pat. I'm off to have a look in a minute.

On 28 Sep 2006, at 14:56, Pat Farrell wrote:


Right, Amazon only has mass market stuff.
A lot of 'classical' CDs are lucky to sell as many as 10,000 copies, which doesn't even count for Amazon. AllMusic has many more, but I don't like their navigation to find them.

Pat, you fairly take my breath away, you do. If you already know by heart the details of every early, Renaissance, Galante, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern composer in even a fairly limited collection like mine;

Wise guy :-)

One tries, one tries. One fails dismally, but one tries.

I must be buying the wrong CDs or from the wrong labels.
A lot of mine don't have that kind of information.

European labels often fairly good for this, I think. DG, Hyperion - I've just been looking at the booklets for a couple of volumes of the Hyperion Complete Purcell Anthems and Services, which are superb - Naxos, Archiv, L'Oiseau Lyre - put them all together, you' probably get a pretty good reading list for the first year or two of a music degree course. (The stuff that came with the Decca Wagner recordings alone is probably one unit, and the Philips Complete Mozart probably another three! )

Of course it belongs in the SlimServer database.

What database? Sorry to ask what must be a very obvious question, but this looks like a trick I have missed in a big, big way.

What's a groves?

What you get when you plant all together a dozens of oakses, asheses and thornses. Alternatively (on the off chance that you're not, after all, taking the Mick because I stuck an 's' on the end without an apostrophe!)


I have web access at my own desk through my membership of, and a PIN supplied by, my local municipal library. Endless hours of swotty amusement and hilarity.

Again, this seems to me to be a great topic of an open source,
or open data entry effort.

Would you spell out how something like this might work? I'd been thinking along similar lines, but don't begin to know how to set it up.

And the Transporter is going to appeal to folks who want to have this information.

Yes, indeed. Very much so.


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