This sounds like the makings of a very good thing, to me. And quite a prospect......

On 28 Sep 2006, at 17:20, Pat Farrell wrote:

There has been a Sql database in the SlimServer 6.* servers.
Starting in 6.5, it is MySql, either one automagically installed or a pre-existing one of your choice.

Once we stop thinking about the concept that all knowledge is kept in tags in the music files, we can do real data management. Relational databases are very good at this, and there are zillions of tools to do things like make reports.

I do not expect that the CDDB/FreeDB public database will ever have the kinds of details that Jazz and Classical lovers demand. So the only choice we have is to build up a community database, and layer it onto the MySql database in the SlimServer.

Its all fairly straight foreward, just a SMOP.

Would you spell out how something like this might work? I'd been thinking along similar lines, but don't begin to know how to set it up.

Probably deserves its own thread, and soon its own forum.

Its fairly simple. Someone, say me, defines a database and puts up a web front end, and writes some transfer scripts.

People enter in data, we store it in the database, and periodically you can download the text/data that other folks enter. You take data and populate your SlimServer's database. Assuming that a skin knows how to retrieve it, you can then search for Beethoven's 9th, and see all of the copies you have, link to the details of the conductor, orchestra playing it, which bassoonist is in that orchestra, link to other orchestras that s/he has played in, etc.

One thing that will have to be worked on is that things like liner notes are usually copyrighted, just like the phonorecord (P) itself, so just scanning the liner notes, pushing them thru a OCR and storing the text is probably going to be a problem. But that should be able to be solved, maybe by getting permission from the label in exchange for a link to their commercial site, etc.

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