mkozlows wrote:
SlimServer is a single application.  Anything you put into SlimServer's
database won't be available for all the other apps that you use to play
your music, or all the other devices to which you sync it.

Which is fine with me.
Nothing else that I have compares with playing FLAC files thru my Transporter or thru my SqueezeBox through a Benchmark DAC-1.

I have no interest in anything outside of the SlimServer universe.

Pat Farrell;141143 Wrote:
You are correct that moving files makes it harder to track the descriptive data, but it is by no means all that hard.

I don't believe you understood what I was saying.  Any time you copy
files in a way that's not aware of the database -- by using a regular
file copy in Windows Explorer, an FTP upload, a BitTorrent thing,
whatever -- the metadata doesn't go along for the ride, and is lost. This is one of the well-known problems with centralized metadata
stores, and one of the reason that in-file metadata is standard for
essentially all types of files these days.

I fully understand what you are saying.
I don't do that with my files. I don't share FLAC from CDs I've paid for. I don't move them from computer to computer.

What I want, and what you don't seem to understand, is a far richer database of data from the tags and enhanced with lots of other datasources. You simply can't enhance tags to have all the stuff I want.

While with SlimServer, you could develop your own taging system extensions to the OggVorbis tags, and use them, as soon as you do, you lose what you are claiming is critical: the ability for other applications to read and understand and process the data.

That folks don't see the value of a database for extensions beyond the limitations of internal tagging is really not important to me.

The relational database is critical to what I want to do.
I frankly don't understand what your objection is, I am not suggesting that I (or Slim) force you to do it my way. I just want the ability to do it the right way.

Audiophiles do this all the time, some believe that Tube amps are the only way to truth, others believe in electrostatic speakers. There is room for all, as long as you don't force me not to use the database that I need.


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