FWIW Patrick has been on the forums for ages and has been consistantly
polite, wise and helpful. I am always astonished how little he makes of
his product - he usually just responds if asked for details. To portray
him merely as some kind of self interested salesman is ludicrous and
tends to undermine your general "if you can't measure it probably ain't
real - different isn't necessarily better" thesis with which i generally
agree. Even more oddly Patrick's SB+ mods are decidedly NOT at the
snakeoil end of the spectrum and ought to be the sort of measurable
mods of which you approve.

Its really is odd - you say little that i disagree with. But the
overbearing certainty with which you say it means you manage to
alienate me and i suspect many others. You then go on to add "hey lets
play nice" statements having just been - at the very least -

I assume you post to win agreement, you should consider your tone as
part of your argument.

gandt's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=586
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28080

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