It had to continue, didn't it?  I suggest that you contact Slim Devices
technical support to get a better understanding of the situation.

Of course, the other issue you are ignoring is that, by running
directly to the amps, you are relying solely on digital attentuation. 
As you reduce the volume, you will get into the realm where compression
occurs and you lose bits -- ie, you degrade the quality of your output. 
That, Nik, is why you want analog attenuation.

Look, if you are set on a modded SB2 or 3, go for it -- be happy.  I've
heard plenty of modified gear (Modwright, in fact, is my my area...and
does mostly nice work, and mostly nice work that gets recognized by
national reviewers, at that) and some of it is quite fine.  Some of it
is splitting hairs and is more of a matter for hobbiests (I do this
with my bike...I'm a fanatic about shaving off a few grams, but it
would be cheaper for me to lose a pound or two).  Some of it, like some
stuff in the mainstream audio biz, is bogus.

Again, my point is quite simple: when you have studio-grade DACs like
Benchmark and Lavry, both of which have analog volume control and can
function like line stages...and have the benefit of headphone outs and
being largely immune to jitter...going with a mod seems a bit silly. 
If these guys were so do at making DACs, then THEIR dacs would be the
ones in recording studios, not the above.

And, for that matter, just a paper we can tell that the Transporter is
a mean piece of gear.

I thought that articile was silly because, after all, it was the
manufacturer/dealer criticising the Transporter compared to his own
equipment.  Now, if that is not a person with a vested interest in
criticism, I don't know what is.

So, enjoy yourself and have fun.   This hobby is about having fun.  If
buying a modded unit makes sense to you, then it makes sense to you. 

niknik;141475 Wrote: 
> I see no problem in continuing this thread now the bar of technicallity
> has been raised :-D
> I've heard about this "white noise of death" problem. By the searching
> I've done it doesn't seem to be a very common problem though. But off
> course a serious one if it does accur.
> With a modded SB the max level into the amp is 1.1 volts. This should
> not usually cause any speaker to blow -as far as I have heard. 
> So I'm not so scared of running directly to my amp. Especially when
> it's a modded SB..


SB3->Lavry DA10->Nuforce 9.02s->Harbeth Monitor 30s/Skylan stands. 
Simple and satisfying.  In a larger room, I would move back to larger
speakers, subs, and probably RCS.
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