PhilNYC;141536 Wrote: 
> However, more than one engineer whom I have tremendous respect for
> believes that they provide measurable improvement to the performance of
> an audio component...

One does not need to -believe- in measurable improvements.  One only
needs to present the data.  I haven't seen one piece of data, not one
shred of evidence, to support any of the claims for the Bybee devices.

There are also other claims by Bybee, namely that his technology was
developed for the aerospace industry.  I worked in that industry for 20
years in design, test and measurement, and never once heard the name of
Jack Bybee, nor have I ever seen or heard of any device that even
remotely resembles the Bybee devices used in defense electronics.

I've also been involved in some online conversations with one very well
known and extremely well respected audio designer.  This guy has created
some excellent designs that are considered classics to this day.  In one
strange turn of one particular conversation, he claimed that the
aerospace industry regularly used "tweaks" - that is, modifications to
the hardware that had no measurable result on performance.  My
experience has been exactly the opposite.  In the aerospace industry,
there is no tolerance for engineering changes that have no support in
the form of measurements.

In complete frustration with this situation, I almost asked him, "Where
did you get your information about the aerospace industry, Jack Bybee or
something?".  Kind of like, "Where did you learn to drive, Sears
Roebuck?".  But I decided not to say anything.  It wasn't long before
several people who worked in the industry spoke up and debunked this
concept of "aerospace tweaks".  Then, in a strange turn of events, the
designer finally revealed who told him about "aerospace tweaks" - it
was Jack Bybee!  Oy.

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