First off, let me apologize for using the words sad and whatever in
refering to HighD's original post.  It was a reaction to tone.  And as
I read your following posts, High, I found much that I agreed with
(someone else said the same thing).  That got me re-thinking a scheme I
posted on a few days ago.  But no one was interested enough to reply!
(It' under "A New Way of Tweaking" or something like that in this
forum).  So let me kick this horse one more time...bam..ow!... 

It sounds as if most of us have arrived at a similar place, but we are
arguing about how we got there.  What if we took tweaks proposed for
Transporter and actually tested them together?  Together here meaning
those of us who are "traditional measurement" cum skeptics and those of
us who are "Let's try everything" cum skeptics? 

Here are tweaks already mentioned in this forum that could be tried on
Transporter (with a bit of editing for clarity:


1. Chassis Damping, with Dyna-Mat like material
2. Replace the NE5534 Op Amps with Op Amps with "high audiophile cred"
such as OPA627 or AD8610
3. Piggyback the AKM 4396 DAC chips
4. Add RFI/EMI Sheilding and/or ERS to the SMPS's
5. Replace the IEC input with a filtered IEC input

If we ran these tweaks thru an agreed process with all of our
brainpower, we would come up with pretty good info.  I proposed a
simple process we might use:

1. Idea Generation
2. Cost/Benefit Analysis of Ideas
3. Testing of Selected Ideas
4. Consensus on Proven Ideas to Implement

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