Transporterator;142212 Wrote: 
> I'm not sure if I am the first person here in the UK to have a
> Transporter, but I thought I would write a few words about my
> experience with it so far on this side of the pond.
> My existing system consists of an Audio Synthesis CD transport and DAC,
> a Jadis Orchestra integratated tube amp, Sonus Faber Elector Amator II
> speakers on Partington stands, and some serious TEAC cabling.The
> Transporter arrived last Thursday.  
> My first impression of the Transporter was that it is incredibly
> revealing, separates every instrument, voice, and sound with
> astonishing clarity, and is very neutral.  One of the things that
> struck me almost immediately was that it make my system do something I
> have never heard before: it could really capture the timbre of acoustic
> instruments - a plucked guitar really sounded like a plucked guitar with
> just about all the twang and resonance you would get from the real
> thing.
> There was just one thing that bothered me.  Compared to my SB3, the
> transport seemed a bit lightweight - there was no weight to the sound. 
> I walked around the room and found that actually there was plenty of
> bass - but not where I wanted it.  It was at the sides of the room, and
> in the hall outside, but not in my listening position.  For the first
> time in years I then experimented with moving my speakers to new
> positions, including firing across the room rather than down it. 
> Wow! What a difference!  After a whole day rearranging furniture, I
> have now achieved something I never thought possible.  The sound is
> sublime, detailed, powerful, full of life, capturing all the nuances of
> the original performance.  Some tracks, recorded well (the Stones track,
> Love in Vain from Let it Bleed is a good example), are just
> unbelieveable - I can (I know this sounds dead corny, but its true)
> close my eyes and Mick, Keith and the boys, still in their 20s, are
> playing there just for me! I have never heard anything like this - even
> from a system costing over £300,000 I once sat and listened to that had
> so many tubes in the multiple amps that the owner listened to it in his
> vest in a vain attempt to keep cool.
> Sorry, I've gone on a bit.  But I just want to first of all thank Sean
> for designing the most wonderful front end to a stereo system that I
> have heard in my life, and to warn anyone else out there who might be a
> disappointed when they first hear it to blame other components of their
> system, and the way their system is laid out and set up, before they
> blame this bloody amazing piece of equipment from Slim Devices!
> Cheers Sean, this is one blissfully happy customer in London.

Smashing, old fella!

I have had a similar experience the last days (sans the furniture part)
with my SB3+TacT system. I have done various improvements over time, but
left a long interconnect from my surround system connected to the TacT.
Once I unplugged the surround stuff something major happened in the
sound quality departement, and now the sound is just like you describe
it! It is just another ball-game when everything snaps into focus. Old
Earth, Wind & Fire CDs sound like audiophile recordings..

There is something about long interconnects killing the sound with some
pre-amps. (Even when listening to a different input.) Happened to me
before, and annoyingly I didn't understand it then.

If you have your ways past Oxford you are welcome to bring the
Transporter for a listening session! ;-D

P Floding
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