opaqueice;142258 Wrote: 
> I really should know better than to post in this thread - but when I
> read this I snapped.  
> Quarks and leptons have a rather dramatic influence on what we hear -
> because all matter (such as speakers, air, ears, brains, even Bybee
> filters) is composed of them!  But quantum indeterminacy has no effect
> whatsoever on music, unless your hearing is accurate to one part in
> 10^23...

Ahem, I will admit it's 25 years ago, but I have a degree in applied
physics and I have got to chip in here and agree wholeheartedly with
this statement. Audio is a well understood physical process and the
pressure waves and electrical impulses are many magnitudes greater any
elemental processes going on at sub-atomic level.

I had a quick look at the Bybee site and a quick read seems to indicate
that he has poor understanding of how electrons migrate in a circuit and
his concept of filtering them is laughable. He has  school-age ideas of
current "flow". Electrical signals travel at the speed of light round a
circuit, but electrons don't. They bounce into each other (at a few
million metres a second) and that's how the signal is transferred, not
by individual electrons going round and round the wires like water
particles in a pipe, but by a chain of interactions. 

There *is* a general "drift" of electrons in DC circuits and the Fermi
Speed for free electron drift is millimetres a second. In an AC signal
(like audio) they tend to just whack into each other in a very
localised way and not move any significant distance at all. How do you
filter electrons if they aren't all moving through the filter?

A good mod is when a second designer takes the time to understand the
circuits, learn the compromises taken by the original designers to
reach a certain price point and carefully introduces uprated components
that in effect duplicate what the original designer would have done with
a bigger budget.



You're only young once, but you can be immature forever...
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