I think this whole discussion is centred around subjectivism, after all
what do we actually mean by the term 'audiophile'. It strikes me that a
wide variety of people either identify themselves as part of, or
definitely not part of, this group for a range of reasons.

Some seem to be searching for a form of 'sonic nirvana' where audio
reproduction reaches a point that is almost certainly is unreachable.
Even within this group, I bet there's different factions. Some are
searching in the hope of replicating some audio experience they remeber
or would like to have been present for. Others seem to understand that
the journey towards 'perfection' is the actual goal and that learning
about developing technologies and techniques is its own reward.

Others definitely fall into the pack-rat/collector mindset of many
hobbyists. The idea of owning or trying a variety of products and
techniques may sometimes cause them to use the 'sonic quest' excuse,
but it's the pleasure of hoarding things and experiences that really
drives them.

I'm sure there's a million other motivations for being an audiophile
and that's where the basic question you raise becomes philosophical.
There is no 'right approach' because different folks are after
different things from the hobby. It's no different to being into great
food, classic cars or whatever. If you're a technology freak and you
get off on having items that move the science on another inch - that's
great. If you build a system that puts you in the room with Miles as he
recorded Kind of Blue - wonderful. If you're the boy with biggest and
best toys - bloody marvellous.

As with most ideological 'discussions' there is high probability of
creating an argument and bad feelings as you are asking people to
justify their beliefs and then have others tell them they are wrong.
We're all adults (figure of speech) and I'm sure it won't degrade into
anything more than spirited banter here, but maybe it would be more
positive to ask people why they consider themselves 'audiophiles' and
what they enjoy about the hobby. Maybe we'll even learn new ways to get
more out of our own systems and music, without the ideological
differences getting in the way of fun.


Jez Hildred
Senior Manager - Sales & Marketing
Slim Devices, Inc.

Jez's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4300
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28368

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