SoftwireEngineer;143669 Wrote: 
> Dont get distracted by some marketing bullets written by misguided
> product marketeting/managers.
> Glass toslinks have surely less jitter. Electrical cables I find are
> just 'hit and miss' when their impedence matches the output/input
> impedence of your equipment. In pro business, everything is terminated
> by a 75ohm pulse transformer and a 75ohm cable terminated with BNC does
> a perfect job. Only in the consumer fields we are burdened with RCAs,
> questionable terminations of unknown impedences. I think this is the
> main reason for jitter varying with different cables (but marketed as
> superior with high prices).
> Todd at audioasylum liked the Sound Professionals, since I found many
> of his reviews/ideas match mine, I bought that cable and it is
> definitely an improvement. If you have a Transporter and a DAC or
> equipment with BNC one can use any 75ohm cable with BNCs. No need for
> 'audiophile' digital cables.

OK, thanks for the info!

I noticed today that some of tha magic from yesterday wasn't there. Of
course, audio memory is horribly unreliable, but memory of the general
feeling of being there and being drawn into the performance is more
reliable. I wasn't drawn in in the same way.

It turned out that pulling out the coax SPDIF halfway and pushing it in
again, on both sides, restored the magic. Suddenly all the ambient
information was there again creating a virtual window into the
recording. It sure seems the RCA interface is flawed.

I'll look into high quality Toslink, as well as perhaps installing BNCs
and suitable transformers.

P Floding
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