Skunk;144910 Wrote: 
> Is it hooked to an external DAC? 
> I've heard white noise only once or twice, and
> disconnecting/reconnecting the power seemed to fix it. Did you try
> that?
> You might also try plugging the SB3 into a different outlet than the
> amps to see if that helps, maybe run an extension cord just to
> experiment.
> Re: the noise floor, I've turned my amp all the way to max, and set the
> volume on SB to 1 (on the 1-100 scale). The sound was surprisingly good-
> so I doubt it's the noise floor that's being heard so loudly.
I am using the audio outs of my SB3. It's not the white noise "bug"
that people were talking about, I had no problems like that. 

It's exactly as you described the noise floor, I've turned my amp all
the way to the max and paused SB3 (not wanting to kill my speakers).
SB3 is configured to use digital volume (I think that the analog volume
control of SB3 is at 100% at all times). The situation is the same if I
lower the digital volume to 10 (0-100) instead of having it paused.

Hm... I'll try using the different power outlet for SB. I hope it helps
a bit.

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