joncourage;144968 Wrote: 
> People better informed than I have said that the basic 12 gauge
> electrical zip cable you can get at Home Depot will sound as good as
> anything else.
> At virtually no cost, I'd say probably worth a try.
> Another example I recently experience first-hand was a comparison among
> three digital coax spdif cables in a decent system.  A $300 cable, a $50
> cable, and a cable that came with someone's cable TV box I think.  About
> a dozen audio enthusiasts agreed the freebie cable sounded best.  Go
> figger.
> Like I said above tho, I have noticed a significant difference
> upgrading from basic Best Buy-type 16g bulk cable, to Audioquest Type
> 4, then to AQ Rockefeller.  With each change, I noticed several
> improvements, as did my wife, who is the ultimate skeptic and tin-ear.
> OTOH, I noticed no difference between the famed Kimber D-60 and my $50
> Cable Solutions Canare digital coax cable.  YMMV, and it probably
> depends to some degree on your electronics and speakers.  Don't get too
> bogged down in the intense rhetoric and debate that will follow from
> someone raising these issues - experiment to the degree your budget
> allows, and have a good time with it!  When you buy used, you're fairly
> well assured that you can always pass your purchase along with little
> loss.
> Given the source of many of the "makes-no-difference" opinions though,
> I've got to say if you have the patience it seems worth comparing
> no-frills cable to "hi-end" cable.  You can always sell the hi-end
> stuff if you don't hear enough of a difference.

Unfortunately, when testing cables, there is no way to tell what
influence is due to the connectors (type, fit, general state). Just
pushing in the sleve a little to give better grip can give more of a
difference to the sound than another cable.

P Floding
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