dcolak;144915 Wrote: 
> I am using the audio outs of my SB3. It's not the white noise "bug" that
> people were talking about, I had no problems like that. 
> It's exactly as you described the noise floor, I've turned my amp all
> the way to the max and paused SB3 (not wanting to kill my speakers).
> SB3 is configured to use digital volume (I think that the analog volume
> control of SB3 is at 100% at all times). The situation is the same if I
> lower the digital volume to 10 (0-100) instead of having it paused.
> Hm... I'll try using the different power outlet for SB. I hope it helps
> a bit.

Well, I can verify that the noise we're experiencing is not the PSU (as
Sean CEO rightly suggested). I put together a 5V DC-DC regulator using
the LM317 and some other stuff, and fed this from a 12V lead acid
battery. Same hiss from the SB3, regardless of playing, paused,
booting, zero volume, max volume, whatever, so the noise floor of this
baby is definitely out there.....I'm going to measure this with an
oscilloscope when I work out where I can borrow one...interested to
know how you're going dcolak.


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