325xi;145599 Wrote: 
> Because any such comparison is highly subjective.

But isn't that the point?

I think it's a valid question.  If a listening test based around a
high-resolution system found little or no difference between, say, a
modded SB3 and a full dcS setup, then the value of the dcS must be
questioned.  If, however, it did, but there was no audible difference
based on a mid-range system, then that would again be a useful result:
the SB3 might be good enough for all but the very best amp-speaker

I think that this point is missed in many reviews.  In general,
reviewers either try everything in their reference system, and then are
disparaging of mid-price kit as it isn't quite as good as $10k+ kit, or
they try it in 'matching'-priced systems, and then you can't judge what
kit genuinely punches above its weight.

The difference between digital sources is not as clear as the
difference between a sports car and a family estate.  There is little
or no functionality difference - it play music, that's all (subject to
CD vs network, I suppose) - so your Ferrari/Toyota analogy is a bit
disingenuous.  The sound is what matters for both products.


SB3 and Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio Research 859,
Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables
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