Simon;145947 Wrote: 
> DAB in the UK will always be worse than FM 

And I would strongly recommend that anyone who likes radio should get
an FM tuner.  A NAD 402 costs just £20 on ebay; my Rotel 990 cost just
£120.  A live Radio 3 broadcast will sound better than any CD, IMHO (I
can't speak for all, but it does sound really much better than my £1.5k
CD player, no contest).  Just make sure that you spend a few quid on a
rooftop aerial.

Flamebait: better value than an SB3, I reckon ;)


SB3 and Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio Research 859,
Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables
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