Amauta;146432 Wrote: 
> In the player settings - audio you can turn off replaygain to be sure
> there is no volume change.

Thanks for that tip.  Turning off the replaygain (which I had not tried
before) was the difference in the volume levels between the sources. 
Now, when I try the A/B switch, there's less of a difference to the
point where I probably could not distinguish them in a blind test. 
This is good. :-)  Now, the playing field is more level, I can breathe
a little easier and take my time with enhancements.

Thanks for the suggestion of the DAC.  I've done some research in the
past and the Lavry 10 is one on the radar.  The allure of the external
DAC is being able to use it with the other sources.  But, I'm also
intrigued by the idea of getting the SB3 modified by Bolder.

Thanks, again!

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