You don't consider a $500 remote control to be high end enthusiast?  You consider that mass market?

I think the parallels between Harmony and SD are what should guide most of our thought here.  Namely:

1) Harmony remotes are still considered to be very good, despite the Logitech name
2) The $500 remote came out after Logitech acquired Harmony, from my understanding
3) The Harmony brand name is still front and center, even though Logitech owns them

On 10/23/06, 325xi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have serious doubts about Transporter fate. Logitech is mass market
company. Yes, it sells expensive keyboards, but they are expensive
mass-market keyboards. Logitech sells nothing for truly hi end narrow
enthusiast market. I hope Transporter line won't be dropped because
it's not profitable enough (and it will never be).

Another thing is possible degradation. I don't think SB was originally
designed with audiophiles in mind. It happened to be very good design
that in digital domain meets audiophile needs - and thanks God it
happened! Because it's made by enthusiasts. Now go ahead and design the
next version with only look and price point in mind - the way virtually
all those crappy portable players are designed... Throw inside some new
flashy features to make appealing to teens and create enormous jitter,
make everything reclocked to 48kHz - and you're done!


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