cliveb;149845 Wrote: 
> Just took a look at the YouTube video of the Sooloos in action.
> They may have done some custom hardware, but that doesn't mean what the
> system achieves can't be done with commodity H/W. As for "database
> work", presumably that means they designed a suitable schema (just like
> the Slim Devices folks did). Nobody in their right mind would build
> their own proprietary DBMS for such a device.
> Indeed it is. But what they achieve shouldn't be rocket science. Let's
> be generous and say that the metadata + cover art for an album is as
> much as 10kBytes. Even with a fairly large music collection of 10,000
> albums, the total size is 100 MB, which can easily be completely cached
> in RAM. Add to that a bit of intelligent pre-preparation of all the
> possible next screens that can be linked to from the current one, and
> you arrive at the very slick performance we see. But the point is that
> it can all be done with off-the-shelf inexpensive hardware.
> What this device *should* be doing is making people ask why so many
> other media servers have such sluggish UIs (Slimserver, for example).
> In my opinion, Slimserver is hobbled by the use of a web interface. It
> doesn't matter how clever you get, the connectionless HTTP protocol is
> a barrier to really snappy response. Sooloos have shown how much better
> things can be using a well-crafted standalone application. Others should
> take notice. Slimserver's UI could be made just as snappy if it were to
> be rewritten from the ground up as a client server application - if it
> were done in Java, it would still be platform independent.

Nice post Cliveb - I agree with pretty much everything apart from the
fact that there are ALWAYS people mad enough to write their own DBMS -
again. :0)

...also whilst HTTP is too sluggish, you wouldn't want the client to
get too fat - but you would want a fair bit of intelligent client-side
in memory caching (ooo this is fun)

Phil Leigh
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