PhilNYC;153834 Wrote: 
> This is essentially a FIFO buffer (my Dodson DAC does the same thing,
> albeit with a much bigger buffer than the Lavry), and in this
> architecture, you need to deal with things like buffer
> overflow/underflow, because the data is still "streaming"...and this
> still requires some "cooperation" between the incoming clock and the
> re-clocker.  This will still contain some inherent jitter.

OK, so we agree that loading it all into memory eliminates jitter
entirely.  The next question is whether the Lavry (which I use as an
example because it's the only one I've read the white paper for)
accomplishes this as well.  What they do is use a CPU to check the
state of the buffer.  If it's getting full, they increase the speed of
the clock (which controls the output); if it's emptying out they
decrease it.  This keeps the buffer around half full all the time. 
They make this (tiny) adjustment every ten seconds or so for a typical
timing mismatch.

Now, while it's possible (but implausible) that this adjustment process
could have an audible effect on the sound, it's still got nothing to do
with, and is totally independent of, input jitter.  It depends only on
the difference in _average_ clock rates, not when each individual
rising edge arrives.  In your language, cooperation between the two
clocks is not necessary - you could just check the buffer at regular
intervals, and if it's, say, greater than 3/4 full or less than 1/4
full make an adjustment.

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