tomjtx;157729 Wrote: 
> It's a flattering review. But it's too bad they didn't have some good
> files to use. 
> The TP sounds different in my system when I spin a CD on my CDT>TP.
> Interestingly ,it sounds more laid back, a bit less detail and rythymic
> punch.
> I could never characterize the TP as laid back when I stream ALAC or
> AIff from the hard drive. 
> It would be interesting to see what these guys think when they do that.
> I think they would be even more impressed.

Exactly, I read the head-fi review too. Transporters value is in its
use as a source, not as a DAC. It can be used as a DAC, but when it is
streaming music is when it has the highest performance. Transports seem
to have intrinsic jitter, which gets transferred (even increased) via
the digital connection to the DAC. I dont think the Transporter has any
special jitter reduction built in when in use as a DAC. 
So if even as a DAC it is close to or resolves better than a Wadia, it
will surely beat it when it is streaming.
Re: comparisons with other players - many differences can arise in the
output stage implementations. With transporter or SB3 one should look
for the effects of jitter. Reduced jitter means extremely relaxed
sound. The Transporter and the competing player should be compared with
the sounds of a common analog setup. Whichever one is closer to the LP,
should win (atleast in my books :-) ).

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