atkinsonrr;158245 Wrote: 
> Sean-- I have seen you post similar thoughts on other threads.  This
> quote seems to indicate you believe all modders are stupid or
> disingenuous.  I hope you dont mean that, cause I sometimes mod (my
> own) equipment.  I even believe that in some cases, simple component
> swaps are warranted.  I will give you one specific example: switching a
> run of the mill electrolytic cap at the output of a CD player for a film
> type.    
> So when you say things that seem to say "all modders" I feel like "the
> enemy" even tho I am a customer of yours and obviously value what you
> create.  If you mean, "in this particular case, I feel it ill-advised
> to modify Transporter in this way for this reason"  I am all with you,
> and very interested in what you have to say.  Otherwise, I'm just kinda
> put off.

You are absolutely right. I should have qualified that, and I

There most certainly _ARE_ modders who know what they're doing. Indeed,
some ideas in Transporter including the super regulators were not only
inspired by a modder (Andrew Weekes), but were actually implemented
with his personal assistance.

Other concepts including some tweaks to control jitter were carefully
tested, and some of them were incorporated.

What I was objecting to was the blatantly non-scientific, irrational,
absurd, deceiving stuff which is easy for those of us with any design
experience to spot, but to anyone else looks no more mumbo-jumbo than
the real thing.

I should also point out that we're not going to immediately sell more
Transporters by dissing modders. They are in fact driving sales or us.
However, when someone claims pefectly empirical improvements like
"lower noise power supply" with no rationale or data to back them up, I
will object.

There is always room for improvement, but it's folly to assume that any
mod is an improvement.

EDIT: and none of this should diminish the fun of tweaking to suit your
own taste. However, that is very very different from charging money to
"upgrade" a product while claiming objective improvements which are
provably BS.

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