cliveb;158467 Wrote: 
> I'd like to make an observation about the change in attitude we've seen
> from Sean. 

Well, I don't see that: Sean has always been proud of his designs and
baffled by why people think they need $1000 power cords... 

But that said, the real change I noticed was that people suddenly
started bragging about how insane they are....

More lighthearted than the usual "You need the Widgy3000 or perhaps you
are just deaf and can't hear the subtleties and it would be lost on a
peon like you" that sometimes shows up.  (Admittedly not nearly as
often here as on a lot of other forums..)

Spending money on a Transporter (or a Squeezebox), the associated Other
Crap (whether it is an $2000 amp or a $200 receiver), the CDs that the
thing always demands (mine says, "feed me seymour"....), and wasting
time here is...


But insanity is often good.

Or at least better than being boring.

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