Best make it 5V output to SB. 5V power supplies are easy to find because
5V is the voltage of many processor chips and the standard voltage used
in logic circuits. You need a regulator or resistor to adjust the
voltage to 5V. 6V battery can get by with a resistor, but using a large
12V batt for longevity is too much for a resistor to drop, will waste a
lot of power as heat.

I have been thinking about this battery supply idea too, found some
ideas worth sharing (I hope!) Rechargeable batteries like NiCads when
under load will give about 1.0-1.1 V, so a 5 cell pack might be ok if
SB can handle 5.5 volts without damage. You would have to disconnect to
charge. Nicad voltage changes a lot through discharge so it is never a
steady voltage. not an ideal solution. Dry cells make 1.5 V. Supposedly
SB will run o low voltages, but I don't know if it will start or sound
good, still might not be good for it, and then the expense of throwaway

This is a very nice step down regulator for our needs, but I haven't
tried it yet. Use it with a big car or deep cycle marine 12V battery
like Optima:,C1,C1003,C1040,C1055,P10037,D2740

You might find this already made power supply to be an easier project
than building your own from scratch: I use one of these with my SB and
it is AWESOME, and is pretty cheap at about $40 plus the connector and
a box. It's far better regulation than the linear Elpacs.   See model # HB5-3/OVP-A

Good luck with your project!

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