Ok, finally decided to move into the world of server based music...I
think! A transporter is out of the question due to lack of funds (I've
even thought about selling my LP12/Ittok to fund a transporter but
nearly cry at the thought even though I seldom listem to Lp's) so I'm
down to a SB3 and a DAC.
Current system consists of a Primare D30.2 CD player, Musical Fidelity
A1000 amp and Impulse H2 speakers so I'm looking for a fairly high end
DAC. I guess 2nd hand will be the way to go to get best bang for my
good old british pounds so ebay here I come with my £400-£500. Thoughts
have been along the lines of a Tag McLaren / Meridian / Arcam and I
would love to have the thoughts of anyone who has one of these hooked
to an SB3. 
I had a Meridian 206 CD player for a number of years and really liked
the sound of it but I've no experience of any other manufacturers DACs
so any useful comments appreciated.

killie99's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8337
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30408

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