
But, really, I defy you to tell any difference.  I have a lavry and
have had up to three DACs in my place at the same time.  Usually, it
takes somewhat experienced ears to tell the difference.  I've heard the
Lavry Gold, which runs $9-$8k or so, and there is precious little
difference between it and the Lavry DA10.  Dan Lavry will tell you the
same thing.  And, truly, here's the thing: you're talking about devices
that have 30ps or less of jitter.  This is not audible.  The output
stages vary, yes, but they are all excellent.  Now, stick an EQ device
into your signal, do some measurements, and make a 2-5db correction
here and there -- that will make a FAR greater difference.  In short:

You are better off:

1. Working within a sane budget, and that means not spending incredible
heaps of money on this stuff.

2. First and foremost, get your room and speaker sorted out.  Study
your speaker's characteristics.  Learn about speaker placement (look at
articles on Allison rules).  Learn about room measurement and look into,
at the very least, EQ based on measurement and, better, room correction
(Acourate, Tact, Lyngdorf).  Get  your sound RIGHT.  Only then will you
really appreciate the nuances, if indeed they still matter, between
these things. 

In the meantime, the Transporter is absolutely first rate.  It's silly
to buy one and then fret about not having the best sound on the planet.
You won't have the best sound you can have until your room and speakers
are working as they should.

Konig;162051 Wrote: 
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27927&page=6&highlight=sync
> At least on technical grounds, this user (wslam) is reporting less
> jittery sound from a word clock sync. Whether or not one can discern it
> is up to your ears though.
> for the why part go to http://www.lessloss.com/ (having majors in
> physics and math helps alot too bad i didnt)
> and read the "What you should know before buying a DAC" section.


Relax.  It's about the music.
highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30530

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