Impeller;162587 Wrote: 
> So I've been hoodwinked by popular media?

I don't know if hoodwinked is the right word.  If you read this forum
much, or any audiophile discussion, you'll find disagreement on nearly
everything.  I think everyone is sincere, but people honestly disagree.
Some people trust their perceptions, in non-blind tests, more than the
results of centuries of scientific experimentation and progress.  Given
that we know that human perception is notoriously unreliable and subject
to every imagninable kind of suggestion and influence, I find that a
little hard to understand...  but that's me.

What I told you is what any electrical engineer or physicist (I'm a
physicist) would tell you.  What they say about biwiring in that
article (at least in the first link, I didn't look at the other) is not
consistent with anything I know about the way electrical signals conduct
through cables.  That said, you can choose to believe whatever you like,
but it may be useful to know what the prevailing scientific view is.  

What is true is that different cables have slightly different
properties, and some of those scale with the length, others with the
gauge, etc.  So in biwiring you're doing something, for sure - but it's
a very small and subtle effect, and it must be remembered that there are
hundreds of other effects around that are just as important.  One
example is re-routing the cables (which will change the inductance),
and other is plugging in another electrical component, walking near the
stereo, the weather, static electricity, etc. etc. So the science can
tell you that the effects of biwiring are likely to be extremely small,
and furthermore that there are other effects which are not controlled
and likely to be as or more important, but that's as far as it goes.

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