artsrc;162747 Wrote: 
> Is a high noise floor typical for an SB3 or is there something wrong
> with my particular one?
> I have a SqueezeBox3.
> With efficient headphones, I have Shure e4c's, there is quite a bit of
> noise.
> With less efficient headphones (some kind of sony's), this is much
> reduced.
> So to listen with my Shures I have a separate volume control I connect
> in series with the phones, which I turn down, to reduce the noise, then
> I turn the SB up.
> The  noise is there even if I turn the device off with the power
> button, but it is absent if I disconnect the SB from the wall.
> Has anyone else noticed, or not noticed the same thing?
> Thanks

Some people think the sock wall wart generates a lot of noise. Plug it
into a power conditioner and you should reduce the noise and inprove
the sound.
For more improvement buy a linear regulated power supply, perhaps
modded by Bolder Cable if your in the U.S.

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