SteveC;163393 Wrote: 
> I recently started running a Transporter without preamp into a pair of
> valve monoblocks - PrimaLuna Prologue Sevens - with success. 
> * The output impedance of the Tp is 100R, vs the amps' input of
> approaching 100kR, which is a ratio of 1000, against rules of thumb
> saying anything above from x10 to x250, so there should be no problem
> of treble roll-off due to impedance mismatch.
> * The max output of the Tp is 3Vrms and the amps require as little as
> 1Vrms for maximum output so there is no prob hitting maximum volume
> I didn't expect any electrical problems or gain problems, and there
> aren't any :) The sound is excellent. There are two drawbacks so far:
> * I have no feed for a sub. This could be added either by RCA
> Y-adapters on the Tp RCA output, or by drilling and mounting an extra
> RCA pass-through socket on each amp. Note that the balanced outputs are
> fixed level so I can't used these :(
> * Other digital sources such as laptop can be connected in, but to use
> other analogue sources one must use an ADC into the Tp, such as the
> Behringer SRC2496

Steve, Have you looked into the endler balanced attenuaters?
There is a thread on them. That might solve your sub prob.

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