Phil Leigh;164411 Wrote: 
> Agreed - but ignoring some classical and other "simple" recordings
> (mostly older ones), much of the "ambience" is coming out of a digital
> Lexicon or an EMT...
> Doing LEDE properly in a domestic room is usually not possible due to
> low WAF and aesthetic considerations. Digital RC has high WAF.
If one's using highly synthesized recordings (most rocks/pops)  to
setup his system, you do not know at which points you started adding
more echo/reverb and "colorations" to the source.
Please enlighten me about the use of "seasoning" in classical
recordings, what is EMT? I only read of them trying to simplify/shorten
the signal paths to improve clarity and realism, even  down to a single
omni mike in some venues. It's a luxury to having your very own
recordings to tweak your system with, in this case, u cannot go too far

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