Nick77;166008 Wrote: 
> Definetly modded the Tahoe and overclocked the computer and did some
> audio mods.Cant leave well enough alone, the old Tim Allen
> syndrone.Primal guy thing I think.

What a arrogant replay ignorance is a ugly thing

But Sorrry for my bad english im from Denmark not usa.

Besides that im normaly not much into modding enything .

But the tact digital amps simply have a glarish sound stock
and the cry out for improvments .
The mods a the real deal there is no buts or maybe .
I agree that in most casses with more analog like gear modding dos not
make the muscical injoyment bigger.
However the storry is somthing quit different  wih tact gear 
The full mod made my amp sound like a b.a.t tube amp but with krell
power and dynamics but with no coloration at all.
I would diffently have sold the millenium and bourgt somthing more
analog like  if it haddent been moddded.

I really dont care much about if there is not a singel soul in here
that beleivs me.
I only wanted to inform this forum  that i have a  achieved somthing
quit speciel 
Bit perfect uncolored music resulthing in mucical nirvana.
But luckly im not the only one that have had there tact amp moddified
and heard improvments that is  mindblowing.


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