tyler_durden wrote:
> I've got the loop-through on my sound card working.  I play a .flac file
> in foobar, send it through the C9, then record the result with Audacity.
> I export the result as a .wav file then run flac to compress it.  I
> play back using my SB3 and it doesn't sound right.  I think there is
> some problem with Audacity.  Right now I am running under windoze. 
> I'll try running audacity under linux and see if the result improves. 
> If that doesn't fix the problem, I'll dig out a CD player and dump it's
> analog out into the C9 and see where that gets me.  Maybe simultaneous
> playback and record are too much to ask of my sound card...

Some sound cards, especially many from Creative Labs silently run at
48kHZ rather than 44.1kHz.
You may want to verify that it is really running straight, rather than
sample rate converting.

Are the two FLAC files identical? That should give you a hint, or
skip one Flac to wave conversion, flac the file to WAV/PCM
play that, and record it back as a wave. In theory, it should be the
same. I would not expect it to be. If you send it out as 24 bit expanded
from 16 (all zero in low order bits), capture as 24 bit, and throw away
the low order bits, there is a chance it will be identical. You'd
probably have to do nice dithering to get it close.


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