Eric Carroll wrote:
>> So far, I have not decided which I like more, either the Transporter
>> or the Benchmark has to be sold, I really can't justify keeping both.

> - I needed the better dual 802.11g antennae because the Tp is in a
> shielded corner and the SB kept cutting out (i.e. signal reception is
> better)
> - two outputs
> - two screens
> - better WAF in the living room (no all black SB3 at the time
> available)

I started with a SB1, pre-G. and am all FLAC. The SB1s didn't do native
FLAC so it really didn't work over wireless. So for years, my main
squeezebox has been wired with Cat5 to a 100mb switch. So two 11g didn't
make the selection list.

Two screens looks cool, but didn't justify the cost to me.
The outputs are not interesting, even the SB1 had both analog and
digital, I only used one. My Classe is really an integrated amp, so it
has six imputs, the only one I use is from either the Benchmark or the

I put it all behind a smoked glass screen, so the WAF was even the same.

So it comes down to sound quality, and so far, there is no clear winner.

YMMV, of course.


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