I've been lurking on the sidelines here, and just had to add my $.02.  I
have to agree that such a misleading banner tells an awful lot about a
compnay and its practices.  Maybe BC is an honest enterprise at its
core, but they aren;t getting my business.  This policy is just too
front-n-center to be a mistake or to give them the benefit of the doubt
that it was overlooked.

On the other hand, companies like Moscode, and company leaders like
George Kaye, are to be commended.  His newest amplifier, the hybrid
highly vaunted 200 wpc Moscode 401HR, is available for home evaluation
in what George calls a 33 1/3 day evaluation.  There are many things to
like about this program, and this company.  First, he doesn't need to do
this, based on the incredible reviews the 401HR is getting.  Second, his
website goes out of its way to insist that you read the fine print. 
What you'll find is that other than a hard stop at 34 days, George and
company take on all the risks, not the customer.  Sure, the amp needs
to return in the same pristine shipping condition it left in, but
otherwise the customer pays no shipping....either way!  The customer
pays no restocking fees (unless damaged, of course) and the customer
gets 100% refund on his Discover card or other form of payment.   I
took George up on the offer, eval'd the incredible amp for 30 days, and
unfortunately found that my system had become too warm for my tastes
with its insertion (mainly due to room issues and many tubed
source/preamp choices).  George even tried to ask me to keep it a few
days longer and try various tube rolling ideas.  Net/net....THIS is the
way in-home evaluations should take place.  And should I ever need a
product in a category that Moscode competes in, they are my first
choice and I use a "why not Moscode" approach to every evaluation.

ted_b's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3289
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=31562

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