I have written a new Wiki page: ConnectToPowerAmp  

The objective of this wiki page is to describe the considerations
associated to matching source line level to amplifier input sensitivity
when there is no preamp between the SB3 or Transporter and the amp. It
is intended for new users and is intended to be put into the excellent
BeginnerGuide which I used so successfully to get up and running with
the SB3.

The page is based on my learning of removing my Rotel preamp and
connecting both the SB3 and Transporter directly to my new Bryston SB3
SST and my readings of the forum postings.

I wrote it because after I asked this question, I have seen at least
three or four others ask variations on the same theme just since I
asked my question. So clearly it is a point needing clarification. 

While there is tremendous information in the forum postings about this
issue (and some non-information too), it is darn hard to find it all
even with site specific Google queries. This page is intended to
capture what I have seen in the threads. I have linked to postings in
some cases. In others, I have just lifted information (like attenuator

This page will be added to the BeginnersGuide in a day or two once
people have had a chance to review it. 

I welcome all corrections.

Eric Carroll
Eric Carroll's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9293
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=31796

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