P Floding;172065 Wrote: 
> Eh.. I'm sure you are about to tell me?
> Anyway, the distortion figures will be a combination of crossover
> distortion (dominant for very small signals) and other non-linearities.
> The curve doesn't represent a single distortion mechanism.

Actually I have no idea - it was a question!  I agree it's not a single
mechanism, although it fits a power law so well (and with nice powers)
that I suspect there's a simple explanation.

In any case the initial conclusion is supported - this amp has much
less distortion, at all audible levels, than a typical tube amp.  While
that may not be saying much, it does indicate that it's unlikely to
sound unpleasant at any listening level.  This is further supported by
the fact that the reviewer listened to it and stated it sounded the
same as any other well-behaved amp; I'm sure he tried turning down the
volume, and he has one of the best and most revealing speaker systems
in the world.

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