Antipodes wrote:
Pat Farrell;173555 Wrote:
Of course, using balanced input makes mega dollar interconnects irrelevant.

Is this based on theory or is that what you really hear? I agree that
balanced cables suffer less from impedence mismatch issues that plague
single-ended interconnects - when they are made badly. But

I have never heard any difference in interconnects at all. But I tend to buy decent ones, such as Kimber PBJ, mostly one the weakest link theory.

Balanced connections have many theoretical benefits many of which are easily shown. They are vastly more resistant to noise.

But balanced connections have zero impact on impedance mismatches.
If the driver and receiving components are mismatched, changing the wire is not going to change the impedance on either end.

RCA jacks were chosen for "hi fi" because they were cheap as surplus World War 2 gear when the returning servicemen got their GI bill degrees and started the hifi hobby. They have continued in consumer gear because they were used by earlier consumer gear.

Professional audio is all balanced using XLR. No theory, just fact.
From the mic, to the preamp, mixers, recording device, mastering, etc.
it is all balanced.

I do agree that wire can be a LCR filter network. And I believe this network could have audible impact. But the high end obsession with megadollar cables doesn't match up with what happens in studios and live ventures, IMHO, YMMV and all that.


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