Not sure if this is  the proper venue but here it goes. I was hoping to
find out how much buffering capacity there is on a SB when streaming
files from a SS. I will assume there is some?  Question is it possible
to reduce the buffering or turn it off completely?

Why? I work as a Network Engineer for a large telecommunications manf.
Part of my job is listening to customer (telco's, ISP's) requirements
for there next gen. service offerings, and then build a "proof of
concept"  POC's with our equipment demonstrating why we are the best
choice and meet all the requirements Blah blah blah...

A large part of our POC's involve fast failover scenarios with ethernet
"services". We use test sets to show 50 m/s failover if there is a
failure in the network. We also use video services such as IPTV. There
is nothing like watching the look on a customers face when you ask him
to disrupt the network, and not a single glitch is intorduced into the
the High Def. stream he is watching. I would like to introduce a SB
into the lab and use it as well, simply because it is easier to set up
for last minute tests. But in order to do that I must understand the
buffering potential of the SB.

Thanks for reading this long winded thread.


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