jhm731;175588 Wrote: 
> You and opaqueice need to go down to your local Costco and pick up a
> $50. DVDP.

The SB2 and SB3 sound much, much better than a "$50" DVD player - and I
did a comparison, see

Not only that, but it's really apples and oranges.  How many $50 DVD
players are network-controllable?  How many $50 DVD players can store
10 000 CDs?  The SB is really a different product.

jhm731, did you ever actually own a Squeezebox?  Or are you just
assuming?  Your every single post is negative - why do you hang around
here anyway?  You must like confrontation, why else would you post at a
forum dedicated to a product you hate?  The SB3 is obviously not for
everybody - too bad it doesn't meet your needs, but no use harping on
and on about it.  You don't like it, we get it, thanks, go get
something that does meet your needs, so long!

You must have many hours in the day if you bother wasting time at
forums dedicated to products you don't like and don't even own.

In fact, judging by your posts, you may possibly be a shill for an SB
competitor as your sole goal seems to be spreading FUD about the
product.  I can't tell which competitor, you seem to give props to all
of them.  You invariably recommend any product other than one by SD. 
The SB isn't good enough for you, the Transporter isn't good enough for
you, we get it already.  Opinion noted, move on.

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal
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