seanadams;176002 Wrote: 
> Is there an alternative failure mode (for example a competing product
> which does not recover as quickly), where you would like to show that
> streaming does not perform as well? If you could describe what that
> failure looks like, maybe we could suggest a test to illustrate it.
> If you want to show the difference between, say, a 50ms outage and a
> 250ms outage, then VOIP is probably the best thing to demonstrate. VOIP
> potocols, by design, sacrifice reliability in order to achieve real-time
> streaming with low latency. Squeezebox is the opposite - it plays from
> stored data which can be read into its memory as fast as the network
> will deliver it, even in a bursty manner, so the stream can continue
> even with heavy packet loss or a complete outage of several seconds.
> You couldn't make Squeezebox behave like VOIP just by reducing the
> buffer size, because TCP is *totally* different!


Just as there are divisions in the audiophile community, so too are the
divisions in the networking world. 

In one corner, the group that believes that bandwidth should be
reserved end to end (RSVP) and that failover has to happen in 50ms (or
less) (MPLS FRR).

In another corner, is the group that believes in adaptive buffering,
using algorithms and lots of memory, since it is cheap, and transfering
the requirements out of the network to the application layer.

OP is asking to test the camp #1 concepts by taking perfectly good
applications from camp #2 and detuning them to show the benefit of
approach #1. 

Even VOIP as practiced by most green fields carriers these days (e.g.
cable companies) do not require the methodologies of camp #1. People
discovered that with some IETF protocols that sense one way latency and
report it (RTP & RTCP) you can do an excellent job of adaptive
buffering. Most devices today that connect phone and IP network do
significant adaptive buffering. They often keep somewhere between
100-200ms of buffer available, so that the application can ride out
most nastiness in the carrier network. By using simple IP & OSPF, and
fast convergence techniques you can get failover down to low O(100ms),
which beats FCC reporting requirements AND beats cellular, and arguably
matches PSTN in listening tests (i.e. what customers actualy report).
Its much simpler and cheaper than RSVP/TE/FRR and works quite well.

And all you needed was buffering in the device that adapts a telephone
from a bit synchronous analog device to a smarter packet device.

Even broadcast video distribution systems, the last holdout of large
scale synchronous end to end clocking, are starting to see the benefits
of switching over to a buffered approach.

My suggestion is that if you actually want to test MPLS FRR and really
see the impact, you need a legacy application that is bit synchronous
end to end, no buffering and no adaptive protocols or algorithms

How about a CD transport S/PIDF over Ethernet emulation? (Sorry,
humorous attempt to bring discussion back on topic)

Before anyone reacts, I am not making negative comments on the OP's
equipment or technology strategy. There are valid business reasons to
go with that approach. But the SB3 isn't going to show it.

This discussion has been going on a long long time in the Internet
community. See Craig Partridge's RFC1257.

Eric Carroll

Transporter-Bryston 3B SST-Paradigm Reference Studio 60 v.4
SB3-Rotel RB890-B&W Matrix 805
SB3-Pioneer VSX-49TXi-Mirage OM7+C2+R2
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