None of the above.  I'm not an audiophile myself but I'm nevertheless
fascinated by audiophile stuff.

My outsider-looking-in definition of an audiophile would be someone who
is so concerned about the sound quality of their music that they will go
to extraordinary* lengths to prevent the theoretical possibility** of
sound degradation***. (where "extraordinary" is defined as "seems
unreasonable to most observers", "theoretical possibility" is defined
as "anything that seems remotely plausible to the audiophile in
question", and "degradation" means "doesn't sound like they believe it

People who spend considerable money or effort building their
collections are just music fans to me.  They are a set that partially
overlaps audiophiles, not a different sort of audiophile.  A different
sort of OCD perhaps ;)

I like to poke fun at audiophiles as much as the next guy, but let's
face it.  A few minutes listening to one of their systems and I want
their system so bad my teeth hurt.  The world's a better place with
them.  Especially if they live close-by.

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