peejay;178173 Wrote: 
> Let someone shoot me down here, but according to a brief e-conversation
> I had with someone from SD, because the 5 volt regulated supply into
> the SB is up-converted to various other internal supply rails and these
> then regulated internally *again*, it is these internal rails which will
> more likely affect the quality of the audio, so there's meagre pickings
> which are to be gained by messing with the original supply. But, due to
> the intense emotional and fiscal investment people on this forum have
> already made on this topic, I'll bow out now and let the flame wars
> begin......:-)
> P.S. This didn't stop me from making my own battery-powered supply just
> in case ;-)

Perhaps the well reasoned and plausable conclusion from this
non-empirical thought experinment is not entirely correct......

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