GaryB;179017 Wrote: 
> All of my dearly held world assumptions are crumbling.  
> Totoro is lecturing people on civility???
> Occam is being held up as a model of temperate response and Philnyc is
> now the impolite one?  
> Next thing you'll tell me is that the Pope isn't Polish.
> ---Gary

Gary - I'd like to thank you for that capstone to a truly wonderful
day.(my son just recieved fully funded admission to both the Berkley
and Chicago grad schools in math) Your post had me laughing so hard I
actually fell off my chair.

Phil - Give me a call and we can discuss your social skills....

totoro - re: Your eponymous use of my 'nome de screen', specifically -
'To pull an occam, I think some people need to read the Harry
Frankfurter book "On Bullshit".'
While my posting style often lacks Phil's usual civility, noone who
IMO, communication with results in anything positive for anyone, has
ever described them as 'bullshit'. If thats the best you can come up
with, I'll not respond to your posts, and would ask for reciprocity on
your part.

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