slimkid;180880 Wrote: 
> making your opinions credible. All of you, who claim that there is/isn't
> difference. Wether in moding or in linear PSU, cables or anything.
> How abot telling us exactly:
> - what music was playing during the comparisons
> - what aspect of sound at what part of music piece was taken into
> consideration
> - describe the difference in musical/acoustical terms
> Quite frankly, I'm trying to get the best out of these forums, but the
> common [EMAIL PROTECTED] like 'bas is tighter, mids are laid back, background 
> is
> darker, soundstage extends .... blue is bluer and the green is greener'
> just doesn't cut it, and sometimes is an insult to reader's inteligence.
> Like in ' I switched the ICs' and it made a huuuuuge difference '. My
> understanding of the word 'huge' is more like a difference between
> functioning cable and the one with broken soilder or something.
> hope, nobody finds thmeselves insulted by this.
> Cheers.
> K

More details won't make anything more "credible". Just more like a
review in any glossy hifi magazine. Perhaps that is what you think of
when you say "credible"?

Anyway, it can be useful to keep in mind that no-one here has to
deliver anything to anyone. It is all a volountary exchange of ideas
and opinions.

P Floding

No, I didn't ABX it. And I won't even if you ask me. (Especially not if
you ask me.)
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