ezkcdude;180840 Wrote: 
> The basic theory of evolution is not debated, and the "details" of any
> theory are not usually debated per se, rather they are filled in where
> needed to explain lingering questions. And who should provide these
> details, scientists or lay people? Obviously, debate among scientists
> can be healthy for advancing science, itself, but how productive is
> debate between scientists and lay people? Not very.
> The problem with the global warming or climate change "debate", is that
> the vast majority of the scientific community resides on one side, while
> conservative pundits and politicians mostly reside on the other. There
> are very few qualified scientists "debating" climate change. 
> At any rate, the climate change contrarians have already conceded that
> climate change is taking place, even though 10 years ago they didn't
> even believe that. Now, they've shifted the argument to man-made vs.
> natural causes, but day by day they lose ground, because of mounting
> scientific evidence, as we witnessed last week with the IPCC report.

You might find this an interesting read.  
Then again, you may not. 
Oh, the UN. Thats like going to a taxidermist for a headache. 
To quote Paul Simon  ,"A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards
the rest".

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