cliveb;182179 Wrote: 
> I spent a while trying to discover the difference between "upsampling"
> and "oversampling" in some other thread (possibly here, or maybe on
> another forum). As far as I can make out, the two techniques achieve
> the same thing (allowing the post-DAC anti-imaging filtering to move
> higher up the frequency spectrum, and therefore out of harm's way).
> The point is, apart from the fringe NOS brigade, is it even possible to
> buy a non-oversampling DAC these days? Surely the DAC inside the TP is
> an oversampler? In which case, what additional benefit could one expect
> to gain from upsampling as well?

Even without looking I can guarantee that the DAC within the SB3 is an

There is nothing magical about oversampling. Inside the DAC each 16-bit
sample is used 8 times in succession and is fed into a digital
FIR-filter which removes aliasing artifacts. This FIR filter will
indeed brick-wall filter at 20kHz -but it does so in the digital domain
-hence not introducing phase errors. Then a slow roll-off filter is used
to filter the 8X oversampled FIR-filtered result to remove aliasing
artifacts at Fs x 8. This analogue filter can roll off high up in
frequency, thus not affecting the audio band.

P Floding

No, I didn't ABX it. And I won't even if you ask me. (Especially not if
you ask me.)
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