Skunk;182299 Wrote: 
> A bit perfect rip with FLAC files automatically contains the HDCD data
> in the LSB, so your best bet is use the WMP workaround to maximize the
> quality of the tracks. There is a thread about it but I don't know the
> details or if it truly works.
> Altering the LSB with digital volume control, or an imperfect rip (i
> assume), will ruin the HDCD data- but also leave the reduced SNR- i.e.
> no gain from not having the data (which may be useful later, should you
> obtain necessary hardware).
> I need to figure out the workaround, because I have a ton of HDCD discs
> and no decoder. Some HDCDs do sound very compressed, especially Neil
> Young albums. Others, like Garcia's 'The Pizza Tapes' and Mickey Hart's
> 'Supralingua' sound great without the decoder, but not any better than a
> well mastered redbook cd I guess.
> I'd also be curious how much bit error HDCD can tolerate, and assume
> that WMP must be as good as EAC in this regard...

Good point. That actually makes sense after reading that wiki entry -
if for some reason labels are interested in producing louder sounding
albums, HDCD does offer another opportunity for that. So instead using
it to increase SNR, they can use it to produce louder but more
compressed album, where compression partially compensated sonically by
HDCD. And since not every label feels that urge to produce the loudest
ever album, we have that difference - some HDCD sound good on non-HDCD
player, and some - compressed. Now we just need to find out which
labels do that bad thing. :)

HDCD is a deviation of Red Book - are you sure normal DAE (to wav
files) using regular optical drive will pick those bits in a form that
can be decoded later on pc?


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